Space City, Houston
What is the South Coast Reflector? It’s largely the work, effort, and expense of WA5AIR and others that help and donate to the system. The system is a linked system of repeaters and allstar nodes. There is no membership requirement for using South Coast Reflector.
The repeaters on the system are called the Texas Link System and are linked via the internet and also some RF links. There also are other repeaters on the system that are own by other Hams. Check out the The system is made up of repeaters,radios, hard line, antennas, and hardware. The SCR welcomes Allstar nodes and repeaters to the systems. It’s nice to have the means of linking multiple amateur radio repeaters and simplex nodes together using Voice-Over-IP software and the internet.

What We Do
Learn, Grow, Education, Have Fun!
18 Repeaters
25 Counties
3 Allstar Hubs
Allstar makes interfacing a radio or repeater to the world simple and cost effective.
6 Trips to the Moon

Emergency Communicati0ns
Towers, Repeaters, and Radios